The Centre’s academic databases are search tools and information dissemination tools produced within or alongside its research programmes.
Although databases are not set up for every research programme, they exist for subjects that involve high volumes of complex data and/or significant cross-referencing.
The Centre staff and research teams work together to decide the structure of the database, the fields and search options. Development is then carried out internally, entrusted to external service providers or partners of the Centre.
Content is added to the database from researchers’ work files or entered directly, either by the Research Centre teams or by researchers, at the centre or remotely.
The database goes live after scientific validation.
All our databases are accessible via the online resources portal.
For the databases that have been “integrated” into the portal (bibliographic database, biographical database, base Visiteurs de Versailles, base Étiquette et base Hortus), textual data is made available under the Open Licence « Etalab ». Users therefore have the non-exclusive right to reuse, free of charge, such data without restriction, whether for commercial or other purposes, anywhere in the world and for an unlimited period of time, as set out in the conditions of this licence.
The structure of the databases, however, developed by means of proprietary software belonging to JLB Informatique is neither reusable nor operable.
For all other databases that can be reached via our portal, conditions of provision can be consulted on each database.