Christelle CREFF
Head of the Department, assistant to the Director general of the Heritage and Architecture, in charge of the Service des Musées de France
President of the Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
Christophe LERIBAULT
President of the Établissement public du château, du musée et du domaine national de Versailles and president of the General Assembly of the GIP – Centre de recherche du château de Versailles
François de MAZIÈRES
Mayor of Versailles
Béatrice PEREZ
Dean of the Faculté des Lettres Sorbonne Université
Director of the École du Louvre
President of the CY Cergy Paris Université
Christine NEAU-LEDUC
President of the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Lucien BÉLY
Member of the Institut de France, Professor Emeritus of Modern History at the Faculté des Lettres Sorbonne Université, President of the Scientific Committee of the GIP – Centre de recherche du château de Versailles
Mathieu DA VINHA
Director of the GIP – Centre de recherche du château de Versailles
Clotilde MERLUS
Head of Budgetary and Accounting Control of the Ministry of Culture, State Comptroller
Jean-Noël PINEAU
Group accountant of the GIP – Centre de recherche du château de Versailles