

The Bulletin du Centre de recherche du château de Versailles publishes articles and studies resulting from research programmes, symposia and study days organised by the Centre de recherche du château de Versailles. The Bulletin also welcomes contributions from doctoral students and experienced researchers, from France and abroad, working within the discipline of the European courts from the 16th to the 19th centuries.

The Bulletin, member of the web platform OpenEdition Journals

The Bulletin du Centre de recherche du château de Versailles is a member of OpenEdition Journals, a web platform for journals and book collections in the humanities and social sciences, developed by the Centre pour l’édition électronique ouverte (CLEO), a unit that brings together four institutions (the Centre national de la recherche scientifique, the École des hautes études en sciences sociales, the University of Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse and the Aix-Marseille University) and is supported by the Très grand équipement Adonis. OpenEdition Journals is part of OpenEdition, a portal of electronic resources in the humanities and social sciences. The Bulletin has an ISSN number (legal deposit) and is referenced in the “Cahiers” section of the catalog of journals OpenEdition.

It uses the free electronic publishing software Lodel.

The Bulletin du CRCV and Open Access Freemium

Since February 2011, the Bulletin has been part of the group Open access Fremium. Every article is published unabridged: texts in HTML format are freely accessible and free of charge, whereas PDF and ePub formats are for subscribers only at OpenEdition Freemium, or can be obtained through the online bookshop of OpenEdition Journals.

Editorial policy and authors’ rights

Subject to the approval of an editorial committee, all articles published are subject to the same process of academic validation and editorial preparation as those in hard copy (proof reading and correction).

The Bulletin obtains permissions for online publication from the rights holders of the published documents. The publications director has editorial and legal responsibility for all online documents.

Advantages offered by the Bulletin

  • free and immediate access for all;
  • bilingual interface in French and English (language selector);
  • every article published has a persistent URL (internet address) and unique code, the DOI (Digital Object Identifier), assigned by academic publishers;
  • dissemination of articles conforming to standard academic and technical guidelines (citability, structuring of content - abstract, notes, bibliography, biographical summaries of authors, table of illustrations, paragraph numbering, responsibility for special and non Latin characters, etc.);
  • adding to the articles (option to add illustrations, appendices (audio, video and pdf files), hypertext links;
  • rapid and efficient referencing using academic search engines (like Google Scholar), general bibliographies (like Sudoc) and specialised bibliographies in the humanities and social sciences, OAI-PMH repositories (Open Archives Initiative’s Protocol for Metadata Harvesting);
  • search engine embedded in the website, index;
  • option to subscribe to the syndication feeds of OpenEdition Journals and Bulletin to be kept informed of the latest articles published;
  • traffic statistics for Bulletin by author and by article.

How to submit an article for online publication in the Bulletin? (in French)

Headings in Bulletin

Symposia and study days:
This section has published, either in full or in part, the proceedings from the symposia and study days organised or jointly organised by the Research Centre or the Palace of Versailles since 2002, in the form of unabridged articles or audio and/or video recordings. The detailed programme of symposia and study days, as well as the accompanying file (authors’ biographies and summaries of contributions) are available under Symposia and study days on the CRCV website.

This section contains contributions by researchers and specialists from the Centre and elsewhere, on themes relating to the Centre’s field of studies. It includes:

  • studies by students carried out in partnership with institutions (the “Versailles” research group at the École du Louvre, Université Paris-Sorbonne, etc.);
  • studies and articles by both young and experienced researchers;
  • studies on the archaeological excavations carried out at the Palace of Versailles;
  • republications or translations of seminal articles.

Link to “Online publications 2023-2025” (in French)

Website produced with the support of:
Château de Versailles
Conseil général des Yvelines