
Project IMMERSAILLES (2019...)

Socio-spatial study of the accommodation at the Palace of Versailles during the Ancien Regime

A collaborative research project by the Centre de recherche du château de Versailles (GIP-CRCV), the université Gustave Eiffel (IT department of the IUT de Marne-la-Vallée) and the université Rennes 2.

The “Immersailles” project aims to provide online identification of historico-spatial aspects of figures from the Ancien Regime on period plans of the Palace of Versailles. Each figure will, moreover, be provided with a descriptive file giving users more information about these former tenants.

Designed and developed using evolving open source software and integrating the data from open data, this OpenScience project, combining history and digital humanities, is seen as a tool for cultural and scientific mediation. It will eventually enable users to know more about the various families who lived at court during the reigns of Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI, about their environment, their activities, etc.

More specifically, this project will enable users:

>  to identify the former tenants of the palace in different periods from an analysis of several sources (plans and censuses) supplied by the Centre de recherche du château de Versailles;
>  to geo-reference, on a cartographic application, these tenants and the names of the apartments on plans from the period;
>  to link these geo-references to biographical files for interoperability with other existing tools (Wikipedia, Historic repository of France under the Ancien Régime, GIP-CRCV biographical database, etc…).

The project site has been accessible since February 2023 via the portail de ressources du Centre de recherche.


Project Manager: Thomas Fressin, Doctor in Modern History, associate lecturer in IT at the université Gustave Eiffel (département informatique de l’IUT de Marne-la-Vallée), associate researcher at the CMMC (Centre de la Méditerranée Moderne et Contemporaine, Nice).

Université Gustave Eiffel:

IUT de Marne-la-Vallée, département Informatique:
>  Thomas Fressin, teacher
>  Students: Damien Albisson, Edgar Amberg, Yohan Astier, Brian Babillon, Antoine Bastos, Pierre Benassi-Deschamps, Cleis Benoit-Gonin, Quentin Boulet, Matthieu Cloet, Jean Delmas, Logan Delporte Logan, Vincent Domingues, Sébastien Dos Santos, Maryline Fernandes, Michel Francisco, Issa Gandega, Alan Garcia Calzada, Benjamin Gueffier, Timothée Lefebvre, Florent Ngor, Dylan Nguyen, Anh Nguyen Trang, Corentin Oger, Mathilde Paysant, Killian Pelletier, Anthony Pereira, Vincent Pisier, Arthur Prevost, Léo Ruffier, Lucas Tripier, Thomas Vexiau

IUT de Marne-la-Vallée, département Métiers du multimédia et de l’Internet:
>  Frédéric Poisson, teacher
>  Students: Priveen Amirthalingam, Nicolas Briane, Elias Bugel, Lara Calle Gomez, Irène Chazalviel, Yaëlle Clausse, Florian Demazeux, Gautier Depit, Nathan Descoins, Tiphanie Dos Santos, Mélanie Farault, Amandine Fulop, Zélie Mailait, Morgane Marques, Luca Mirenda, David Pinheiro, Mehdi Tanine, Hamdiata Traore, Calvin Vatel, Vincent Vezolles.

Centre de recherche du château de Versailles:
>  Mathieu da Vinha, Director
>  Sandrine Jauneau, Research Officer
>  Isabelle Pluvieux, Database administrator
>  Benjamin Ringot, Research coordinator
>  Floriane Serand, student of history and digital humanities at the université Rennes 2 university and trainee at GIP-CRCV

Université Rennes 2:
>  Aurélie Chatenet-Calyste, lecturer in modern history

Website produced with the support of:
Château de Versailles
Conseil général des Yvelines