Documentary Resources

Connected links

URL links, selected by the Research Centre, to sites and/or databases, library directories, documentary or iconographic resources, school, academy or university websites, research websites (history, history of art, history of architecture, history and performing arts), directories of doctoral theses and works in preparation, calendars, etc.

If you discover any links that are not active, or if you know of a website that should be included in our list, please let us know at: (with “For the Connected Links Section of the CRCV website” in Subject box).

Consult pages on the french website :

Links to databases and websites for libraries and online archives and documentary resources.
Links to databases and websites with online iconographic resources.
Links to websites for schools, academies and universities whose disciplines relate to the thematic content of the Research Centre.
Links to databases and websites useful for history research.
Links to databases and websites useful for research into the history of art and architecture.
Links to databases and websites useful for research into the history of performing arts.
Links to websites that list doctoral theses and works in preparation.
Website produced with the support of:
Château de Versailles
Conseil général des Yvelines