Academic Courses and Training

Hosting Training Sessions

In addition to these seminars and study days at Versailles organised on a regular basis by the Centre de recherche, a number of whole-day or part-day training sessions are being hosted at the request of our partners. The Centre de recherche will select and contact the participant(s) and organise the training and its follow up.


  • June 1: day of discovery of the site of Versailles for the students of a 2nd class of the Lycée Stanislas (Paris) around a morning lesson by Éric Mension-Rigau, professor of contemporary history of the faculté des lettres de Sorbonne Université and then a visit to the castle by Benjamin Ringot, deputy to the scientific director of the Centre de recherche du château de Versailles.
  • June 1: visit of the castle by Mathieu da Vinha, scientific director of the of the Centre de recherche du château de Versailles, for undergraduate students of Niels F. May (Institut historique allemand - Paris) from the University of Bonn.
  • May 11: visit of the castle by Mathieu da Vinha, scientific director of the Centre de recherche du château de Versailles, for the students of a second class of the Lycée Richelieu in Rueil-Malmaison.
  • February 20: seminar for master 2 and doctoral students in art history and double master’s degree in Philosophy-Art History by professor of modern art history Etienne Jollet from the université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, with a visit by Bastien Coulon, research officer at the Centre de recherche du château de Versailles, around the representation of history at Versailles.


  • November 14: Masters 1 and 2 seminar by Arnaud Bertinet, lecturer in heritage history at the université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, with a visit by Bastien Coulon, research officer at the Centre de recherche du château de Versailles, around the Historic Galleries (history of the museum and museographic study of the premises).
  • November 9: master’s seminar by professor of modern art history Étienne Jollet from the université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, with a visit by Bastien Coulon, research officer at the Centre de recherche du château de Versailles, around the Historic Galleries (iconographic program and historical sources of the museum’s collections).
  • 4 july: Seminar of the École du Louvre’s Summer School. Visit to the petit trianon and the queen’s theatre by Benjamin Ringot, deputy to the scientific director of the Centre de recherche du château de Versailles, and a visit to the château de Versailles by Bertrand Rondot, curator at the château de Versailles.
  • June 24: presentation of the Centre de recherche du château de Versailles by Benjamin Ringot, deputy to the scientific director of the Centre de recherche du château de Versailles, to the students of the Historisches Seminar of modern history professor Sven Externbrink of the Universität Heidelberg.
  • 23 may: “Introduction to Museology” seminar for students of the AUDENCIA Business School, in partnership with the École du Louvre: visit of the château by Benjamin Ringot, deputy to the scientific director of the Centre de recherche du château de Versailles, then conference by Bénédicte Wiart, director of the Société des Amis de Versailles.
  • 16 may: visit by Professor Jeffrey Collins and students from Bard College, New York, in partnership with the École du Louvre; visit about the marbles of the château by Sophie Mouquin, lecturer in the history of modern art at the université de Lille, then visit of the petit appartement du roi and of the salle des porcelaines by Marie-Laure de Rochebrune, curator at the château de Versailles.
  • 5 April: Master 1 seminar of the Centre d’histoire culturelle des sociétés contemporaines (CHCSC) at the université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, seminar with Mrs Anne-Claude Ambroise-Rendu, university professor, around of the Louis-Philippe Museum with the presentation of the collections kept at the castle by Karine Mc Grath, head of the Archives department at the château de Versailles, and a visit led by Bastien Coulon, research officer at the Centre de recherche du château de Versailles, in the Attiques Chimay and du Midi.
  • 28 February: Master’s seminar “Histoire de l’art et métiers des musées” from the École du Louvre for students from the Sorbonne Université Abu Dhabi in an application seminar. Visit to the petit trianon and the queen’s theatre by Benjamin Ringot, deputy to the scientific director of the Centre de recherche du château de Versailles, and visit to the château de Versailles by Bertrand Rondot, curator at the château de Versailles.
  • 7 February : visit to the exhibition “Les animaux du roi” by Alexandre Maral, director of the Centre de recherche du château de Versailles and co-curator of the exhibition for the students of Étienne Jollet, professor of modern art history at the université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.


  • 9 December: seminar of the Centre d’histoire culturelle des sociétés contemporaines (CHCSC) of the université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, seminar of Ms. Anne-Claude Ambroise-Rendu, university professor, around the Louis-Philippe museum with the presentation of the collections kept at the castle by Karine Mc Grath, head of the Archives department at the château de Versailles, and a visit led by Éric Landgraf, doctor of history, member of CHSC.


  • 24 February: Master seminar “Histoire de l’art et métiers des musées” from the École du Louvre for students of the Sorbonne Université Abu Dhabi in application seminar.


  • 21 October: “French Museology” seminar at the École du Louvre for master’s students in museology from the University of Montreal and the University of Quebec in Montreal.
  • 27 May: “Introduction to Museology” seminar for students of the AUDENCIA Business School, in partnership with the École du Louvre.
  • 14 May: visit by Professor Jeffrey Collins and students from Bard College, New York, in partnership with the École du Louvre: visit of the Petit Trianon and the théâtre de la Reine by Marie-Laure de Rochebrune, curator at the château de Versailles, and visit of the château de Versailles by Bertrand Rondot, curator at the château de Versailles.


  • 22 October: “French Museology” seminar by the École du Louvre for masters students in museology from the University of Montreal and the University of Quebec in Montreal.
  • 28 May: “Introduction to Museology” seminar for students of the AUDENCIA Business School, in partnership with the École du Louvre.
  • 16 & 17 April: masters seminars by Étienne Jollet, Professor of History of Modern Art at the université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.


  • 27 October: study day for the École du Louvre international club.
  • 23 October: “French Museology” seminar by the École du Louvre for masters students in museology from the University of Montreal and the University of Quebec in Montreal.
  • 15 May: “Introduction to Museology” seminar for students of the AUDENCIA Business School, in partnership with the École du Louvre.


  • 24 October: “French Museology” seminar by the École du Louvre for masters students in museology from the University of Montreal and the University of Quebec in Montreal.
  • 23 May: “Introduction to Museology” seminar for students of the AUDENCIA Business School, in partnership with the École du Louvre.
Website produced with the support of:
Château de Versailles
Conseil général des Yvelines